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Guacamole Frankenstein Toast

Guacamole Frankenstein Toast is the perfect Halloween party food! This festive and easy-to-make dip will be a hit with both kids and adults. 


  • Thick sliced toasted bread
  • Avocado
  • Lime juice, chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder
  • Assorted cheese slices (mozzarella, white cheddar are great)
  • "Black ingredients" like black corn chips, black fondant, black sesame seeds, black olives
  • Assorted veggies like bell peppers, tomaoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery
  • Other foods for fun details like teeth like slivered almonds or nuts (optional)


  • How to make the Guacamole:
    Start by cutting the avocados in half lengthwise. Next, remove the pit from the center of each avocado half. Finally, use a spoon to scoop out the flesh and add it to a medium bowl. 
    Use a spoon to mash the avocado until it reaches your desired consistency. For example, some people like their guacamole chunky, while others prefer it smooth. 
    Add lime juice, chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder to taste to the bowl and stir until everything is evenly mixed. You can add dollops of sour cream to make it creamier. 
    Once everything is combined, taste the guacamole and add salt and pepper as needed.
    How to make Frankenstein Toast:
    Spread guacamole dip over your favorite toast. Use thick toasted slices of bread that can take the soft filling. 
    You'll want to ensure that the guacamole isn't too thin to maintain its "depth" when placing the eyes, hair, and mouth onto it. 
    A few tips are to keep the guacamole close to room temperature so it's easy to work with. 
    If using a plate, you can always transfer the guacamole to a container before adding the eyes, hair, and mouth. This will make it much easier to transport to the fridge or serving table.
    Use tomatoes, hard boiled egg whites cut in circles, fresh mozzarella rounds, sliced cucumber or cut white cheese to make Frankenstein eyes. Place black olives in the center as pupils. You can also use other small round objects like capers or pieces of pickled cucumber. 
    You can cut the olives in half lengthwise if you want a more gruesome look. Some people also like to add a small dab of mayonnaise in the center of each olive for a more realistic effect. 
    If you want your Frankenstein to be more kid-friendly, you can use small candy eyeballs or even raisins. 
    To ensure the olives stay in place, add a small amount of guacamole under each olive. You can also use a cut toothpick to secure the eyes in place if needed.
    For Frankenstein's mouth, make a horizontal slit in the guacamole. Then, insert four or five slivered almonds into the slit. You can also use chopped peanuts or sunflower seeds. 
    You can make the mouth bigger and add more almonds if you want a more gruesome look. Add red bell peppers, cheese cut in zig zags, or hard-boiled egg whites around to make the lips. 
    You can even use black fondant to shape into any gruesome mouthform. It's food art after all! 
    You want the eyes to be the focal point for this dip, so it looks like Frankenstein is staring at you! This is when to add eyebrows or scars, made any colorful veggies you have lying around. 
    Frankenstein's hair can be dark or unruly. You can achieve this look by using black corn chips, black olives, seaweed, black sesame seed, or black fondant. 
    Simply add to the top of the guacamole, starting from the forehead and working your way back. You can also use chopped parsley or chives for a more traditional look. 
    If you want to create Frankenstein's bolts, you can use small strips of carrot, cucumber or celery. Cut them into thin strips and then insert them into the guacamole on either side of the head. 
    You want to insert them at an angle to look like they're going into Frankenstein's neck. These can also be made with other pieces of chopped vegetables. 
    Now that you have the basic structure of Frankenstein's face, you can add your personal touches. If you want, you can add more scars or eyebrows with slivered almonds or vegetables. 
    You can also add additional details like a nose or earrings. Get creative and have fun with it! Remember, there are no rules when it comes to making Frankenstein toast. The sky's the limit!Step 2: Use Olives for His EyesStep 3: Make Frankenstein's MouthStep 4: Craft Frankenstein's HairStep 5: Create Frankenstein's Bolts
Keyword Guacamole Frankenstein
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