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Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

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This Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board proves that your holiday can be full of all your favorite festive desserts for kids and adults! The more, the merrier! 

I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am with this Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board. It’s one of those holiday dessert ideas that just came to me one day, and I knew that I had to make it a reality. Luckily we’re no strangers to making sweet Christmas treats in our house so I knew, without a doubt, that we had a ton of fun Christmas recipes already in our cookbook that we could easily make up this fun holiday dessert board.

If you’re looking for a fun and new way to have a buffet of many desserts, this is going to be your new favorite Christmas tradition of all times. 

And the kids will love that they’re going to have so many options on how to pick the sweets and treats that they want to add and eat.

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board  

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

What is a charcuterie dessert board?

A dessert board is basically inspired by traditional meat and cheese charcuterie boards but is instead a large serving platter that is full of many different desserts. This can range from sweets like cakes and cookies to even healthier options like fruit as well. 

Can you vary up what is on a holiday Christmas dessert board?

You bet! This is why it’s so popular and going to be a household favorite. If you want to change up what you have on your dessert board, do so. It’s literally as simple and easy as that. You can also opt to make it easy by using store-bought cookie to dress up like we did with our Nilla Wafter light cookies. Or use boxed mixes like brownies to make brownie trees. 

Why is this Christmas treat board the perfect kid-friendly Christmas activity?

Well for one each dessert is mean to be bite-sized and small for little hands and kids to enjoy! Of course these would be great at a dinner party when there are many courses and you don’t want to overstuff yourself with food and want to keep dessert light.

These are also great for kids to help make! Kids will love decorating donut snowman and brownie trees and sprinkling coconut on the gnome apple pancakes! I promise each of these holiday treats is mean to be super easy. You also don’t have to make everything on this board. You can choose a couple favorites to make with kids! 

Christmas Brownie Trees

Christmas Snowman Donuts

Christmas tree light cookies

chocolate christmas trees

Snowman donuts

brownie christmas trees

santa pancakes

pancake gnomes

melted chocolate christmas trees

brownie christmas trees

snowman dessert Christmas board

Christmas Holiday dessert board

Christmas Holiday dessert board

Christmas Tree Brownies

christmas tree light cookies

Christmas Dessert Board

Below you’ll find a list of ingredients that you need to have on hand as well as the links to how to make some other really adorable Christmas desserts to add to your dessert board as well. 

  • Mini Pancakes
  • Mini Chocolate Chips
  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Chocolate Covered Sunflower Seeds (or mini M&Ms if you cannot find them)
  • Candy Eyes
  • Red Hots
  • Dots (just need the orange colored ones)
  • Almond Butter
  • Coconut
  • White Coating Chocolate
  • Red and Green Food Coloring
  • Candy Canes
  • Sprinkles
  • 1 Box of Brownie mix + ingredients on the box
  • Sprinkles
  • Black Writing Icing
  • Green Writing Icing
  • Mini Powdered Donuts 
  • Mini marshmallows 

pancake gnomes

santa pancakes

With all of these simple ingredients, these are the main Christmas dessert recipes that you’re going to be creating and enjoying. 

Mini Pancake Santas

Mini Christmas Gnomes

Don’t forget to check out these other 25 Christmas treats that you can make up and add as well. 

mini santa pancakes

Christmas Light Cookies

More Christmas Recipes To Add To Your Dessert Board

Here are the rest of the recipes to whip up with the kids, too. They’ll go perfectly on your dessert board and the ingredients are listed to know what you need to have on hand. 

White Chocolate Trees


  • White Chocolate melting chips
  • Red and Green Food coloring
  • Piping bags
  • Candy Canes
  • Sprinkles


  1. If you cannot find the individual straight candy canes, I took full ones (with the hook) and carefully,  with a sharp knife, cut the hook off and then cut the straight piece into two pieces. 
  2. Lay your candy canes on a piece of wax paper or parchment paper with plenty of room around them. 
  3. Melt your chocolate according to the directions. Once melted, divide into 3 bowls and use about 4 drops of food coloring to make one bowl red and one bowl green. The other I left white. 
  4. Pour it into a piping bag and cut the tip off just a little bit. Then drizzle out the shape of a tree on the parchment paper, with the candy cane as the trunk. Sprinkle with sprinkles and allow to sit for 15 minutes, or till completely hardened. 

white chocolate christmas trees

white chocolate christmas trees

Brownie Christmas Trees


  1. 1 box of brownie mix + ingredients listed on the box
  2. Chocolate covered sunflower seeds or mini M&ms
  3. Green writing icing

Also check out these Brownie Christmas Trees created in a different way. 


  1. Cook brownies in a 9×13 pan, according to the directions
  2. Once they have completely cooled, use a tree cookie cutter and cut out as many as you can. I was able to get 9 from one pan. Then use the green icing to create your strands of lights and the sunflower seeds as the light bulbs. 

christmas brownie recipe

christmas brownie recipes

Mini Snowman Donuts


  • 1 bag of mini powdered donuts
  • Mini chocolate chips 
  • Orange DOT candy, cut into 4th to make the nose.


  1. Place cut DOT in the middle of the donut for the nose. 
  2. Use the mini chocolate chips to make eyes and a smile. 
*I did not use melting chocolate or anything to try to fix the chocolate chips to the donuts, my kids had too much fun taking them off and putting them back on, making as many silly faces as they could.

snowman donuts

Nilla Wafer Lights


  • Frosting
  • Black Writing 
  • Chocolate Covered sunflower seeds


1.Frost your Nilla Wafers with white frosting
2.Use your black writing gel to make light strands
3.Place your sunflower seeds to be the lights.
Have so much fun with this Christmas dessert board! It’s the perfect way to give everyone festive fun and tasty treats for the holiday season. 

vanilla wafer light cookies

vanilla wafer cookies

Christmas Charcuterie Dessert Board

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