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We Tried Trader Joe’s Cold Brew Coffee Boba Ice Cream and it was worth the hype. Here’s what it tastes like and our honest thoughts on what could be better.
First, let’s just say how much we love Trader Joes’ for easy dinners on the table and their dedication to keeping up with the latest dessert food trends. This is why we drove to the nearest TJ’s as soon as we heard they launched a new Cold Brew Coffee Boba Ice Cream. First, this isn’t technically ice cream. On their website Trader Joe’s calls it a “coconut non-dairy dessert” as technically ice cream is made with…well cream of course. However, it tastes and looks just like ice cream so it’s a win for those who are dairy sensitive or vegan. Regardless of your dietary preferences, this creamy delicious, boba-licious ice cream is one you don’t want to miss trying.
Watch the video in this post to see Trader Joe’s Cold Brew Coffee and Boba Coconut Nondairy Dessert.
What are the ingredients in Trader Joe’s Boba Ice Cream?
Since this is a non-dairy dessert, the first ingredient you’ll see is that it’s made with coconut milk. However, it doesn’t taste like coconut at all. The cold-brew coffee flavor comes out strong and is made with Thai-grown Arabica Coffee Beans sourced from Cafely – one of America’s fastest growing coffee and tea brands. The second ingredient you’ll see is Tapioca Pearls which is mainly a mixture of glucose, tapioca starch, powdered sugar, and a couple of other ingredients. The tapioca looks and has a similar texture to the boba pearls you see in popular tea shops that first gained popularity in Asia. These boba teas are quickly becoming part of mainstream food culture in the U.S.
As a boba connoisseur and fan of the drink (I’ve even made my own boba balls) I’m impressed that Trader Joe’s boba balls remain soft and chewy in ultra-cold temperatures. As anyone who consumes a lot of boba knows, the tapioca pearls (in drinks) do not fare well for an extended time in cold temperatures like the refrigerator. Regardless of whatever boba wizardry is involved in keeping these starch balls nice and chewy in frozen temps, they taste just like the real thing!
What Does Trader Joe’s Coffee Boba Ice Cream Taste Like?
Now the real question on everyone’s mind is if this boba non-dairy frozen dessert is worth the hype? I would say yes, if you are a big coffee lover. I happen to be one and the first flavor that dominates and pretty much the only one is the cold-brew coffee. It’s strong and you definitely feel like you’re getting a good jolt of coffee flavor. You would not guess this frozen treat is made with coconut milk. Even though there is no cream in this boba frozen dessert, the texture is silky smooth, creamy, delicious, and not icy. It definitely tastes like a good scoop of real coffee ice cream.
The texture of the boba is nice and chewy, not hard, and not too soft. However, the tapioca balls were a little bland and lacked the honey boba undertones that make really good boba stand out in drinks. Maybe that caramelized flavor was there but overpowered by the strong coffee flavor (which I did love). It was hard to tell. This didn’t stop me from eating a whole bowlful and I would definitely add this ice cream to my care on my next Trader Joe’s run.
If you’re looking for a creamy, non-dairy ice cream treat and are a fan of both coffee and boba I highly recommend stopping by your local Trader Joe’s next time and picking up a pint (or two). The pint retails for $4.29 and can be found in Trader Joe’s frozen dessert section.
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Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.